판형 : 200 mm x 270 mm
페이지 : 168 pages
구성 : Perfect bound paperback with clear PVC jacket
출판사 : MACK Books
출판년도 : 2021. 6 (First edition, Fifth printing)
ISBN 978-1-912339-24-2
Winner of the 2018 MACK First Book Award
책 소개
‘TTP’는 독일어로 Tischtennisplatte, 탁구대를 의미합니다. 작가가 유학 시절 머물렀던 기숙사 창문 밖으로 보이던 탁구대가 다양한 목적과 상황에 따라 사용되는 장면을 5년 간 담았습니다. 2018 MACK First Book Award를 수상한 사진책입니다.
‘TTP’ is a series of photographs made by Hayahisa Tomiyasu from the window of his former student apartment in the German city of Leipzig. From his south-facing view we see a 'tischtennisplatte' or ping pong table used for a plethora of purposes – including a sun bed, a laundry counter, a kids' climbing frame, an exercise site, a family lunch spot, a refuge from busy streets, among various other uses – except from table tennis. Tomiyasu spent five years documenting the humble table and thanks to his sustained curiosity we observe the idiosyncrasies of human behaviour and social habits, as seasons change, scenes mutate and people come and go.
책 소개
‘TTP’는 독일어로 Tischtennisplatte, 탁구대를 의미합니다. 작가가 유학 시절 머물렀던 기숙사 창문 밖으로 보이던 탁구대가 다양한 목적과 상황에 따라 사용되는 장면을 5년 간 담았습니다. 2018 MACK First Book Award를 수상한 사진책입니다.
‘TTP’ is a series of photographs made by Hayahisa Tomiyasu from the window of his former student apartment in the German city of Leipzig. From his south-facing view we see a 'tischtennisplatte' or ping pong table used for a plethora of purposes – including a sun bed, a laundry counter, a kids' climbing frame, an exercise site, a family lunch spot, a refuge from busy streets, among various other uses – except from table tennis. Tomiyasu spent five years documenting the humble table and thanks to his sustained curiosity we observe the idiosyncrasies of human behaviour and social habits, as seasons change, scenes mutate and people come and go.